速報APP / 生活品味 / Cactus Plant Wallpaper

Cactus Plant Wallpaper





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Cactus Plant Wallpaper(圖1)-速報App

Cactus is a type of plant that is able to live in hot, dry, and lack of water. The original habitat of the cactus is in the desert, thus requiring the cactus to adapt to its environment in order to survive.

Cactus Plant Wallpaper(圖2)-速報App

The way he adapts is to have a thorn-shaped leaf to reduce evaporation, has a wax-covered rod to maintain water content, has a rod composed of spongy tissue to hold water reserves, and has very long roots and is scattered on the ground to absorb water and elements nutrients. cactus also various types.

Download this app so you can get the beautiful cactus wallpaper you want.